Thursday, February 16, 2006

Fairvilla goes to Chicago

No, we are not moving to Chicago. Thanks goodness!!

But we are in quite the state of exuberance here, ready for a weekend away. Iceberg well we’re not too sure she’ll enjoy… in the -teens! We go to visit our long lost La Guerita. Shhh…it’s a surprise though. She doesn’t know that all three of us are going to visit.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

My Valentine

A mysterious sound came from the back door last night as I finished cleaning up from my coffeecake baking spree. To my great surprise there had arrived a dozen white roses from my valentine.

Tonight my valentine and I will spend the evening in front of the TV watching a movie, cuddling under a fuzzy blanket. There will be no pressure to talk since he can't talk. Did I have you going Ducky? Of course not! Thanks for Valentine you sent me, it serenaded the office staff this morning.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

103 to be exact

Sis and I had a funny experience today.

Our joyful spirits were soon dashed when after church we came out to the car. What once had been a sparkling freshly cleaned car was now a car covered in bird droppings.

In order to keep ourselves from being upset and frustrated at the situation, we proceeded to count the number as we drove home. "Hmm...,""5 this window," 21..22..23 on the hood," "Ah wait there's one!" The more we counted the harder we laughed. The more we laughed the harder we cried. Soon we had to stop counting for fear we wouldn't make it home safe and sound, but then our math skills kicked into gear and we figured that during the time we were at church the birds had done their business every 1.1 min.

What a way to laugh away the afternoon.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Midwifery Edjimication

Today is day 8 away from Fairvilla, and day 7 of 14 in Hyden, Kentucky. Its been one learning experience after another for this group of 7 women, away from family and friends. We have definitely bonded well as a group, not without the help of a little chocolate and margaritas (for those who are alcoholly inclined). But back to the learning...The things I’ve learned so far: the complete head-to-toe physical assessment (and I mean complete), assessment of a newborn, how to deal with postpartum depression, how to estimate blood loss in a postpartum hemorrhage (that was the jello demonstration), and that pretty much every food you like to eat is contaminated with toxic materials. Things that aren’t such a good idea to eat: fish, red meat (ouch!), chicken, vegetables, cheese, milk, butter and ice cream! So, I’ve decided that my diet from here on out will consist of water (but only bottled water and not in plastic bottles), and…well, I’m not really sure what else will be safe. Oh yeah, and pesticides are used a lot in cotton, so now I’ll be naked drinking water. Innocence sure was bliss. We’ve still got lots left to learn in the last week, climaxing with our women's health exams next week. Don’t you all wish you were here? I miss you muchly! See most of you in Chicago, and Sara, I'll see you on your wedding day!

Wednesday, February 01, 2006


Ducky has left us having flown away to the South. It's never easy to let friends go, especially ones you hold dear and cherish sharing your daily life with. She'll be back for a week later, but then she'll be off again on an extended journey. We will miss her dearly.

Now I have a new roommate with new habits, a new communication style, a new cleaning procedure, and a new regimen. She has no Fairvilla name yet, thus she will remain nameless here. I don't think she knows about the blog yet either.

This is a terribly boring post really, but historical nonethelesss for Fairvilla. Thus I inscribe it into this our household journal.