Tuesday, August 30, 2005

The letter between "q" and "r"

I sat down to my com uter this evening and found that I can no longer ty e the letter that comes between "q" and "r" as you have already noticed. So excuse the mis rinting! : and my smilely faces are missing smiles too. It's funny really. Reminds me of the time I wrote a oem about missing one iota. Now it's actually ha enning to me. It's amazing how missing one letter can drastically change the vocabulary you use.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

With me

It seems a little silly to log on, and click "new post" when you really don't know what in the world you're going to write about, but you just feel the need to talk to someone. Someone is going to bed, and someone is gone for the evening, doesn't have time, won't call, won't ask a question, or is 8 time zones away. But someone is right here, with me...I'll whisper to that someone.

Sunday, August 07, 2005

Elephants and bubble beards

Three kids, ages 4, 2, and 11 months for 5 hours. Yes, quite an accomplishment I must say, seeing as Gavin loves to shoot ahead of everyone on his plastic 3-wheeler, Will is potty-training,and Maryn is eating solid food. We even braved crossing a four lane street to get over to a quiet sidewalk. It was quite terrifying really. I was watching the blinking red hand and only half way through the intersection... pushing the stroller, telling Will to keep up while he pushs his tike bike, and telling Gavin to stay in the lines.

Well, we survive the street crossing and thoroughly enjoy the grass and dirt. I receive 2 clover flowers from Gavin, picked and run over to me with the simple words, "For you!" Will making an effort to mimic his brother attempts to find one, but gives up to find a rock for me to smell instead. Mmm, it was nice taking pleasure in the little things!

Two very dirty boys and a bubble bath. What could be more fun at the end of hot dusty outing? Bubble beards are a Janna specialty and though Maryn, not wanting to go to sleep cried from her crib to be part of the fun, we still enjoyed laughing at ourselves and our bubble-bearded faces. The boys now know what a goatee is. =) Maryn finally throws a tantrum, throwing her toys from her crib since she wants to be with the boys and having fun. After a battle in the mind of whether or not to take her out/give in to her game, I have compassion on this teary-eyed bundle. She is silent as I hold her and we read elephant books, another Janna specialty. Sleep soon overtakes her and I am happy with decision I made to hold her.
Even now it still amazes me how many split second reactions or decisions one must make when parenting or taking care of kids.

It is a surprise to the boys that I have a mommy who taught me the bedtime songs I sing to them. Gavin's eyes light up as he makes a connection and begins to understand that big people have Mommy’s and Daddy’s. Will learns the art of aiming and getting it all into the toilet bowl. Maryn learns to communicate her displeasure or pleasure of activities going on around her.

Kids, they grow up so fast. You can only imagine the many smiles that crossed my face during these wonderful 5 hours.

Saturday, August 06, 2005

Happy Sister's Day

Oh how I miss our dear Happy Glad!! Come back soon, that your joy may grace us daily.

Whoever decided they had a right to invent days like sister's day, anyway? Nonetheless, it gives me a chance to be reminded of how much I love you.
p.s. Thanks for the great photo HGC.