Sunday, November 05, 2006


When does a household of 6 ever stop having drama?? Never, it would seem. Pray for peace on the part of least two who are dealing with many questions as to what the future holds for them, relationship- and family- wise.

After a quiet and contemplative communion service friends and housemates returned to the house to enjoy antipasto as we talked of water conservation, eco-friendliness, waste management, our college days, Jews, and MK retreats.

But this evening we successfully created lots of laughter by playing "slang" speed Scrabble. This was a new invention out of the desperate desire our counterparts had to make words like "pooya" and "reefin" count for something. In the end we all had to create stories or rap songs with our slang terminology. QUITE HILARIOUS!

I'm tired and I think I feel some poetry creeping up on me. It's been lurking and waiting to pounce. I think it might finally be here, so I'm going to sit with pen in hand and let it come.


At 2:09 PM, Blogger Margit said...

Wow...sounds like quite the goings on...I don't think drama will ever stop characterizing a house of 6 women, especially the women I know and love so fondly there at Lofthill. Thanks for giving me snapshots of it all...and filling in the details occationally.

I love you all so much, and am praying for you from here.


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