I had to laugh this morning when I woke up and remembered part of my dream...I had found in an old bookstore a hardbound copy of the complete works of Christina Rossetti. Hard as I tried I could not reach the book in order to take it to the counter and buy it. Something held me back so that it was unattainable. Very strange indeed.
The earth was green, the sky was blue:
I saw and heard one sunny morn,
A skylark hang between the two,
A singing speck above the corn;
A stage below, in gay accord,
White butterflies danced on the wing,
And still the singing skylark soared,
And silent sank and soared to sing.
The cornfield stretched a tender green
To right and left beside my walks;
I knew he had a nest unseen
Somewhere among the million stalks:
And as I paused to hear his song,
While swift the sunny moments slid,
Perhaps his mate sat listening long,
And listened longer than I did.
by Christina Rossetti
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