Friday, September 02, 2005


I started out the morning, being disturbed from my sleep by the sounds of a great ruckus in the kitchen....5;30am, was Grandpa making his coffee. I rolled over, put Grandma's nice feather pillows over my ears and went back to sleep.

Last night I arrived in this place that is dear to my heart. It is always a game to see how soon I can smell the garlic in the air. The stars are tremendous and I literally sang for joy as I came into this old town. Though very late...11:30pm, I still took a little detour for some star-gazing. soul was refreshed as I gazed at the Milky Way and the heavenly hosts.

There is so much more that could be said but I must bed and to a dear friend. We have much to catch up on. She has secrets to tell and I am ready to listen.


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