State of the Household
Returning from our vacation to SD, the House on Fairvilla realized the importance of stepping out of the day to day routine in our home and assessing the state of the household.
Rekindling our love and appreciation for each other, by spending concentrated time in one another's company, proved soothing to our souls. We rediscovered that "Yes!" we do love each other and despite our differences we desire to impact each others lives that we might become women of excellence. Who would have thought that walking the stormy beach, wedding dress shopping, singing 'Earl had to die,' tickle torturing, and eating dessert first could have such an impact?
Thanks girls, for the hours of focused time together. Hearts are entwined ever tighter. I love you all!
And so...the state of the household....
Well-fed, busy, stressed, unsure, tired, playful, teasing, searching, full-,part-, or no-time....bouquets of roses sit upon the tables...we have loved, we are loving, and we will love. Happy Valentine's Day!!
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